Several AEW Talents Unhappy with Their Current Spot in Company & Considering Potential WWE Move in 2025

Several AEW talents reportedly currently do not feel comfortable with their current roles and spots in the company, according go Lucha Libre Online.

It was reported that their sources stated that these unnamed talents have not been happy with their current careers in AEW and until recently, “these talents did not consider nor dare to explore WWE as a real alternative due to the feeling of uncertainty of getting lost in the ‘monster system that is WWE.'” Other talents who formerly worked in WWE reported had held similar feelings of not considering a return to WWE due to they did not have the television time and prominence that they had wanted during their past time in the company.

These feelings reportedly changed after they saw how Penta’s debut was handled in WWE and that feeling of uncertainty over their own potential moves to WWE were gone. Those same talents reportedly understand that having the AEW brand on their resume becomes a strength and negotiation chip that they can use to their advantage for future deals.

While no actual names were given, it was reported that two talents spoken to confirmed that they would be exploring free agency this year once their current contracts with AEW expires. Those same talents reportedly also stated that they specifically would be looking at potentially going to WWE.

It was reported that several talents within AEW currently feel more secure and confident in achieving success in WWE due to WWE CCO Paul “Triple H” Levesque taking over and the change in culture and range of opportunities presented to talents who leave AEW for WWE.