TNA News: Lauren Jones, iMPACT! Tapings, Angle, Styles, More

Maximum Fitness interviewed TNA interviewed Lauren Jones, where she discussed how guys can “woo” her.

TNA has launched an Australian Twitter page, which you can check out at TNA will be doing a promotional tour there in a few weeks.

The Abeline Reporter News discusses TNA’s recent house show there. You can read about that at

TNA tapes two new episodes of iMPACT! Monday and Tuesday at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida.

TNA has house shows in Georgia on September 11th, 12th and 13th with the following talent confirmed: TNA champion Kurt Angle, AJ Styles, TNA Tag Team Champions Booker T & Scott Steiner, TNA X-Division champ Samoa Joe, Beer Money, Inc., Hernandez, Consequences Creed, Homicide, Daniels, Taylor Wilde, Suicide, Sheik Abdul Bashir, Madison Rayne and Shark Boy.

For more great exclusive TNA coverage like what you just read above including TNA’s recent talks with Lita, visit our TNA website only at

Lita & TNA In Talks – Major Planned Storyline Plans Leaked!!