Vince Russo Lashes Out, Why Eric Bischoff Joined TNA, & More News

— Vince Russo has a new blog entry up thanking news sites for overanalyzing everything he writes. I want to thank those dirt sheet writers for analyzing my every syllable, as a result helping promote my new book, which will be released next month, entitled, “Rope Opera: How WCW Killed Vince Russo”, by Vince Russo. By the way, keep in mind, that the book took me three years to write, while my answers here–which are analyzed and debated for days–take about 10 seconds each–because we’re in the middle of writing 5 shows. One more thing, as far as watching our competition, before Russo and Ferrara came to WWF, VINCE McMAHON thought ECW was a protein supplement. Let me translate that for the analyzers–Vince McMahon NEVER WATCHED ECW, WCW, or any of his competition. I imagine he watches ECW now, only because he has no choice–he owns it. Now, in order for you guys to have fodder for your afternoon columns, blogs and tweets, the Creative Team is going out to eat Gyros for lunch. Analyze that for the next three days. Peace, Vince

— Eric Bischoff recently conducted an interview with Alex Marvez of where he talks about his WCW past, his WWE run, what he thinks of Vince McMahon and on joining TNA. Below are some of the highlights of the interview:

On running WCW: “No matter what people have said or written about me, I know what I accomplished changed the business and had a positive impact. I also made a lot of mistakes and have the scar tissue to prove it. I’m going to try and repeat the good stuff and avoid the bad stuff.”

On why he joined TNA: “It was the combination of a lot of things. Most of all, I like Dixie. She has a lot of integrity and I like to be in business with people like that. Secondly, I saw an opportunity. The way we have our deal structured is great for Bischoff-Hervey Entertainment. And this provided me with a chance to get back into a business I love. I believe a creative person who has a certain feel for this business can change the fortunes of this company in a good way.”

On being better than Vince McMahon: “I have a tremendous respect for Vince and, in a perverse way, like him. But at the end of the day, I think I’m better than him. I’m more creative than him and have a better feel for the business.”

On WWE vs. TNA: “Think of WWE as a giant aircraft carrier and TNA as an 18-foot speedboat. There’s a lot the aircraft carrier can do, but it’s also big and slow. We can bring a more flexible, aggressive and nimble approach. There is an open-mindedness and risk-taking mentality that exists here. That’s one thing I really like about this company.”

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