Wes Brisco: ‘My Name Has Both Helped & Hurt Me’

Wes Brisco recently spoke with the Do Your Job Wrestling Hour about coming from the Brisco family, the pros and cons of doing so and more. Check out the highlights:

On expectations for him due to his family name: “Of course the bar is set really high from my dad and my Uncle Jack…it’s been kinda tough and hard to follow but I think I’m doing a pretty good job with it.”

On whether his last name has helped or held him back: “I think it’s done both. It’s definitely helped me to get bookings but it’s also hindered a bit with people really looking at me and judging everything I do and being super critical but that makes me better…”

On who he thinks could be big in WWE from FCW: Heath Slater he is a phenomenal athlete and he can do anything you ask him to…I just really think they have not given him an opportunity yet”

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