Maria Kanellis Mocks Ryback, Cody Rhodes’ Kneepads, More

Thanks to Ranjit Chahal for his help with some of the following newsbits:

— You can now follow me (Ryan Clark) on Facebook and Twitter. My Facebook account is located at and my Twitter account is at My Facebook page is “maxed out” for friend requests but you can still “subscribe” to get my updates. You’ll also be able to comment on my threads. Hope to see you soon!

— WWE decided to cut the strings a bit last week and allowed Ryback to cut an extended promo on Monday Night RAW. While he was doing that, Maria Kanellis was on Twitter mocking him. The former Diva, who now works for ROH, tweeted a couple of messages where she made fun of Ryback and short phrases that he normally uses. Maria Tweeted:

“Stop talking Ryback! Stop talking Ryback! Stop talking Ryback!” “So sweaty…. Bring me towel. Bring me towel. Bring me towel.” “I breath heavy! I breath heavy! I breath heavy!” “I read teleprompter! I read teleprompter! I read teleprompter!”

— You can email me (Ryan Clark) at If you’ve got a newsbit please pass it along. We’ll try to confirm it and then post it here on the website with credit to you.

— Cody Rhodes stood out from the pack a little bit when he donned the “no kneepads” look. During a recent interview, he reveals which legendary performer inspired him to go that route. The son of Dusty Rhodes also revealed that officials in WWE have forced him to put on the knee pads now. Rhodes said:

“I’m not the biggest guy so I want to give the audience the fighting chance I give myself in the ring and that’s through some of the little eclectic things that are probably more suited for a smaller guy. That’s why I had to put knee pads on eventually, that was mandated I was told by the boss.

Yeah, [I prefer to go without knee pads], I saw this picture of Buddy Rodgers and he had the WWWF championship on and he’s standing there and I just thought ‘that’s what a wrestler looks like.’ And that’s what he had, the boots, no knee pads, the trunks were like a quarter of an inch higher than everybody’s wearing today and I just thought ‘that’s what they’re supposed to look like.’ It never translated with me though. I have these tiny little legs so it didn’t translate.”

100% DIRECT LINK (*PICS*): Cody Rhodes & Layla Together – DATING?!